(Collectif 010, Cartoucherie de Vincennes,
Video document produced by Maria Klonaris and Katerina Thomadaki in 2012,
15min. Video images by Jean Roualdès, stills by Katerina Thomadaki).
This video records a public performance where bodies, in spite of being constrained, maintain a powerful presence in the face of coercion. This work is one of the first examples of the art of the body as theorised by the two artists.
Mystery I : Sleeping Hermaphrodite
(Biennale de Paris, Museum of Modern Art, 1982.
Visual documents and extracts from the radio broadcast «Hermaphrodites», France Culture, 1984).
This projection installation reveals the poetic and mythological roots at work in Klonaris’ and Thomadaki’s «Cinema of the Body», notably in TheHermaphrodites’ Cycle. |
Night Show for Angel
(Edge Biennial, London, 1992. Stills and video documents).
This multimedia installation of the monumental AngelCycle was set in the derelict Hornsey Road Baths in Islington. Immersed in a series of environments of images, sounds and lights, the visitor is invited to enter a world of dreams. |
(Onassis Foundation, Athens, 2011. Video document by the artists, original music by Spiros Faros, 7min, 2012).
In this Angel Cycle installation, slow star explosions immerse the viewer into a sidereal vertigo, under the enigmatic gaze of the two self-portraited artists. «My pupil opens wide to absorb the dimension of the sky…». |
1977-79, Super 8 blown up to 35mm, colour, silent, 70 min.
Performers: Elia Akrivou, Maria Klonaris, Katerina Thomadaki.
Restoration by the Archives françaises du film, CNC, under the artists’ direction and with support from the J.F. Costopoulos Foundation (Athens).

Both strange and sumptuous, this film reveals a hypnotic universe around the silent performances of the three protagonists, and reappropriates to the side of the feminine the Freudian concept of the «uncanny».

From September 16th to December 10th two
artworks by Klonaris/Thomadaki
will be presented in the Espace découverte
(BnF, Site François Mitterrand, Hall Est):
the artists’ book The Angel Ablaze (1988)
and the video document of the installation Quasar (2012). |
Klonaris/Thomadaki : Infinite Revolution
Friday November 16th 2012
17:15 and 18:45
Bibliothèque nationale de France
Site François Mitterrand, Paris 13e
Grand Auditorium (Hall Est)
Photos © Klonaris/Thomadaki |